A2P/10DLC registration guide.
This is only a guide. Make sure to answer the questions based on your business type and market.
The deadline for registration is ASAP. Anything after July 5, 2023 you will not be able to send text messages to prospects or customers.
This is industry wide and everyone in the United States with a CRM or text message services has to register by July 5, 2023.
The servicing company (cell phone carriers & Twilio) charge a service fee to register campaigns and to maintain your registration. The fee is the same for everyone in the industry. It is a pass-through cost for us we do not mark it up.
Fees based on the type of registration you have.
A2P/10DLC charges
Brand Registration – One Time fee:
Log into your CRM account.
Choose business or EIN or Sole Proprietor
Complete the form using examples below. Modify them to specific to your business.
Use case: To communicate with prospects and customers who have inquired about our service and products.
Message flow: Consumer opts in via email and landing page from online marketing and informational campaigns.
Opt out keywords: Unsubscribe,stop
Opt out message: To unsubscribe reply with STOP.
Help keywords: Help,support
Help message: We received your request for help & support. Please contact us at for support (enter your phone number) or visit (enter your website)
Sample message #1: Hi firstname, (your name) here with (company name). Thank you for your interest in life insurance to protect your family. To learn more visit: (website, landing page or calendar link) To unsubscribe reply STOP.
Sample message #2: Hi firstname, (your name) here with (company name). We sent you the information you requested. Please let us know if you did not receive it. To unsubscribe reply STOP.
Message contents: Check box for both include embedded links and phone.
All complete.